Hi Friends.... It Is Our Duty To Help Our Fellow Beings... Consider The Plight Of The Number Of Children In orphanages... Our Little Help Could Make Them Happier... As The Saying Goes "Service To Man Kind Is Service To God".... So... Let's Do our bit to orphanages !!! The Orphanage Given Below Is One Such.. Kindly Donate Generously !!!
Chettinad Educational & Welfare Trust
Public Charitable trust regd no:150/1995 with 80G ExemptionNo.59 Perumal Koil Street,Alapakkam,Porur hint In Maduravail)
phone no:65496763
mobile - 984172507,306
Near Meenakshi Dental College.
Public Charitable trust regd no:150/1995 with 80G ExemptionNo.59 Perumal Koil Street,Alapakkam,Porur hint In Maduravail)
phone no:65496763
mobile - 984172507,306
Near Meenakshi Dental College.