Most of us have come across the term GPS. what is it actually ??? GPS is a global satellite navigation system that sends out microwave signals to track,locate,check the speed and find the direction in which an object is traveling.It is One of the most fascinating inventions we came across.It came in to existence after the shoot down of Korean Airlines Flight 007 in 1983.GPS Insight vehicle tracking system is a hardware and web software of tracking vehicle activities using satellites and AT&T-mobile to provide with highly accurate vehicle locations every 2 minutes throughtout US and Canada.This is available at GPS Insight, a technical leader company of tracking vehicles accurately.GPS Insight is an Arizona corporation that uses its expertise in this field to help the ever blooming Automobile Industry GPS Insight vehicle tracking system is a very informative services and useful tool as well. This would let you know how much speed you were driving, know your exact location, and time information.Using a GPS system will provide all the information you need.GPS Insight product is easy to install (only for a minute). Their GPS product is cost $1.50-2 per day per vehicle and the benefits is no more labor paid when people aren't really working, fuel savings, routing efficiencies, etc.If in case some other problems occurred, their GPS Insight support wiki for customers is always there. They have a support that you can depend on anytime of the day.The benefits of GSM are Speeding ,Engine Diagnostic Fault codes/alerts,Begin/End of day report,Off-Hours Reports/Alerts,Landmark Reports,Detailed and Summary activity reports,Fuel Consumption reportetc.,In addition to this your employees might be using your vehicle for their own activities i.e. they would be riding happily using your money.Just to name a few think of the fuel savings , the efficient routing techniques and the exact hours of useful labour that GPS can throw at you within seconds.This is how you can save money if you use this device. The system will not be used if the vehicle is not going anywhere. You can save your overhead cost too. Why you hired people when they have nothing to do in the office because of the vehicle is not going anywhere.The company have their own blog.use it wisely in order for you to give out comments and if you have something in ind just proceed to the Blog for GPS vehicle tracking. GPS Insight has been striving hard to provide such useful data to business magnets in the automobile industry.Some of the features GPS insight supports are vehicle tracking carried out by a special GPS Insight vehicle tracking system,speed tracking,engine fault diagnosis,fuel reports,idle time slots and breakdown analysis.